East Holmes is very fortunate to have a transportation department filled with dedicated, hard working drivers. They are people who live in our community and put your child's safety and well being first. We want you to know our transportation structure and how to contact us should you ever need anything.
Cody Herzig is the Transportation Coordinator/Head Mechanic in our Bus Garage. He has been with East Holmes since 2021.
Slade Barnes is the Transportation Assistant. He has been with East Holmes since 2024.
Bus #1 is driven by Mary Ellen Beachy. Mary Ellen has been with East Holmes since 2010.
Bus #2 is driven by Matt Johnson. Matt has been with East Holmes since 1987.
Bus #3 is driven by Jason Short. Jason has been with East Holmes since 2017.
Bus #4 is driven by Dawn Chamberlin. Dawn has been with East Holmes since 2024.
Bus #5 is driven by Trudi Rowe. Trudi has been with East Holmes since 2013.
Bus #6 is Jennifer Graham. Jennifer has been with East Holmes since 2022.
Bus #7 is driven by Lyman (Bud) Wade. Bud has been with East Holmes since 2013.
Bus #9 is driven by Christine Finley. Christine has been with East Holmes since 2023.
Bus #10 is driven by Cheryl Bologna. Cheryl has been with East Holmes since 2005.
Bus #11 is driven by John Graber. John has been with East Holmes since 2022.
Bus #14 is our Buckeye Career Center route. Cheryl Whitman is the route driver. Cheryl has been with East Holmes since 2020.
Bus #17 is driven by Mike Wells. Mike has been with East Holmes since 2018.
Bus #18 is driven by Mark Russell. Mark has been with East Holmes since 2022.
Bus #19 is driven by Tiffany Gintz. Tiffany has been with East Holmes since 2022.
Bus #22 is driven by Leona Ridenbaugh. Leona has been with East Holmes since 2013. She is our East Holmes OBI (On Board Instructor). The OBI in a district works with the drivers in their recertification process every 6 years.
Bus #27 is driver by Mark Stutzman. Mark has been with East Holmes since 2015.
In addition to our regular routes we transport students on many educational and athletic trips. We are fortunate to have a large list of sub bus drivers who help us whenever needed.
Should you ever have any questions or problems that we can help with please don't hesitate to contact us at 330-893-2610 Ext #1129.