School Fees
Instructional School Fees listed below and board adopted on 6/16/2023, are used to reimburse the district for materials and supplies used throughout the year. All fees should be paid in full prior to the end of the first grading period and may be paid in the office of each building. Please note, any student approved for a free lunch may have the Instructional Fee waived IF the parent signs Part 5 on the Free and Reduced Lunch Application, however are expected to pay Activity Fees if they opt to participate.
Lunch Fees: | Elementary | $3.75 |
| Middle & High School | $4.00 |
| Adult | $5.00 |
| Reduced Price Meal | $.40 |
| Milk | $ .75 |
Breakfast Fees: | Elementary | FREE |
| Middle & High School | FREE |
| Adult | $3.75 |
| Reduced Price Meal | FREE |
A fee will not be charged for Hiland extra and co-curricular non-athletic activities that meet any of the following three (3) criteria:
The advisor leading the extra or co-curricular non-athletic activity does not receive compensation by the Board of Education.
A grade or credit is given for participating in the extra or co-curricular non-athletic activity.
The extra or co-curricular non-athletic activity is service based.
The same fee policy that has been established for athletic participation will be used for HIland extra and co-curricular non-athletic activities. No family or multi-activity discount.
All other Hiland course fees are listed in the Hiland Student/Parent Handbook.