Hiland High School is proud to present The Wizard of Oz in the Hiland Auditorium from November 17-20. Our production will feature our high school, middle school, and elementary cast members along with a live professional orchestra and a guest appearance by one of our district staff members. This is a family-friendly production and a definite must-see! Click to purchase tickets online.

Please see below for dates and ticket information:
The Wizard of Oz
Thursday, November 17 - 7:00 pm
Friday, November 18 - 7:00 pm
Saturday, November 19 - 2:30 pm and 7:00 pm
Sunday, November 20 - 2:30 pm 

Tickets - $10 (sold online or at door, all reserved seating) Click to purchase tickets online.

You are also invited to our fourth annual Musical Dinner Gala on Saturday, November 19 at 5:30pm in the Hiland Cafeteria. Tickets are $35 and include a full-course dinner catered by Log Cabin Catering, live music, cast meet/greet, and a reserved ticket to the Saturday production at 7:00pm! To purchase, select 'Performance + Musical Dinner Gala' when selecting seats for the Saturday production online. We hope to see you then!