About Us

8 Buildings

7 Elementary Buildings and 1 High School/Middle School

1,557 Students

5 Year Average Enrollment (2018-2023)

4 Star Rating ODE - Exceeds State Standards

2022-23 School Year *Passed 15 of 20 ODE Tested Subject Areas

132 Teachers

More than 65% of teachers have advanced degrees and have 10+ Years of Experience.

17 Regular Bus Routes

Our busses travel over 1,500 miles each day

96% Graduation Rate

2022-23 ODE District Report Card

Arts and Athletics Excellence

21 Superior State Choir Ratings and 13 State Championships

Over $85,000 in Scholarships

Total Annual Avg. College Academic Scholarships from Hiland Academic Booster Club and Holmes County Education Foundation (5 Year Avg.)


Erin Bille

Mrs. Bille is an extremely caring teacher. She is always looking out for her students & pushing them to succeed in her classroom. She will put in extra time for any of her students without ever having a complaint.

- Erin Bille, Social Studies

Kristi Kister

Mrs. Kister works wonders with our youngest students who are always engaged, active & working on various activities. She promotes a safe learning environment where her students can try new things, work with partners & complete hands-on activities.

- Kristy Kister, Kindergarten

Mallory Rearick

Mrs. Rearick's enthusiasm is contagious, igniting within her students a love for music that resonates far beyond the classroom. Through her guidance, the students have discovered the power of rhythm, the beauty of harmony and the joy of expression.

- Mallory Rearick, Elementary Music

Krista Ware

Mrs. Ware has done a great job this year implementing the new Wonders curriculum. It's a joy to go into her classroom & see what the 1st grade students are doing. She is always willing to help with building activities and has even planned staff activities that add some fun for everyone.

- Krista Ware, 1st Grade